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Sammy is a financial technology company and is not a bank. Banking services are provided by Lineage Bank, Member FDIC. Please note that FDIC insurance coverage is per bank and Lineage Bank may support multiple financial technology companies, which may affect your insurance coverage.

The Sammy Mastercard® Debit Card is issued by Lineage Bank pursuant to a license from Mastercard Inc. and may be used anywhere Mastercard® is accepted. For more information, read your Account Agreement.

Money transmission services are offered through Sammy by Nummus Efficiency in Transmission, S.A. de C.V. ("Nummus"), an entity authorized to operate as a Money Transmitter (MT) by the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) under folio number 22398 dated April 25, 2023. Additionally, Nummus is authorized to operate as a money transmitter in the United States of America by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network under registration number 31000254430371.